MathFilm Festival 2008: Chemnitz
Im Jahr der Mathematik findet in Chemnitz die Veranstaltung Mathemagie auf der Filmrolle statt. Hier finden Sie eine Programmübersicht sowie einige Daten zu den einzelnen Filmen.

Obsessed with finding numerical patterns in the Wall street stock market a mathematician wants to rediscover long-lost mysteries in the Torah.
A musical play inspired by the famous achievements of Andrew Wiles on the solution of Fermat's problem.
Breathtaking visualizations from Plato's triangle man and Kepler's wine barrels to Newton and Leibniz, and the mathematics of computer graphics.
Documentary by Arthur C. Clarke on the discovery of the Mandelbrot set. The film includes spectacular visualizations from the world of fractals.
Best-selling collection of winners of the VideoMath Festival 1998 was presented at the international congress of mathematicians 1998 in Berlin.
A father working abroad and a son going with him. It is the XII century, that country's name is North Africa, that son going to study maths in the Arab world is Leonardo, born in Pisa in the Bonacci family (filium Bonacii).
Zahlen prägen unser Leben: Ob Telefonnummern, Pincodes, Wahlergebnisse oder die statistische Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass morgen die Sonne scheint. Quarks & Co taucht ein in die Welt der Zahlen und erklärt, wie man mit ihnen lügen kann.
The life of one of the most prolific mathematician is documented by George Csicsery. The highly awarded film shows living mathematics.
Based on Edwin Abott's book "Flatland", this is an animated film about geometric characters living in a two-dimensional world.